What is Fortune Minding?

Fortune minding means using tarot and other tools to take control of your destiny.

This is different from fortune telling, which takes a passive (and, in my opinion, disempowering) approach to using tarot. When we engage in fortune telling, we want to be told what will happen, but we don’t explore alternatives and we don’t ask ourselves what we could do to improve the situation.

Fortune minding shows you what could happen, and it also helps you understand precisely what steps to take to experience the life you desire. Through fortune minding, we take responsibility for our own lives. We examine our thoughts, habits, emotions, and assumptions in a deep way. We strengthen our intuition. We build self-confidence. And, by engaging in the process, day by day we are supported to live our best lives.

I teach my unique personal style of tarot reading in our group The Tarot Method on Meetup. I also offer card readings (tarot and Lenormand).

Fun fact: the term fortune minding came to me in a dream! I was dozing on a long-haul flight and in a dream a client referred to me as her ‘fortune minder’. When I woke up, I knew that I had received an amazing gift from my unconscious; I had finally found the perfect way to describe what I do.

About me

I’m an award-winning writer based in London. I have been working with tarot cards for over twenty years. I teach people how to use tarot, Lenormand, and other tools for creativity, inspiration, problem-solving, spiritual development, & personal empowerment. I also offer card readings.

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